Libra Sonatine: C. Fuoco
Roland Dyens
Editions Henry Lemoine
This is one of the awesomest finales of all time. This blistering Fuoco starts at light-speed and never lets up, until it ends with a bang. The first section is full of finger twisting runs, utilizing open string pull-offs and strange harmonies. This backs off dynamically, although not speed-wise, during the long arpeggiated ostinato section, slowly creeping down the neck until it rises back up, breaking into an amazing little bossa section (make sure to accent the bassline!) before returning to the top. Finally, the last section comes, with constant glissandos (in the section that I think is the most difficult) sliding up the fretboard, until it comes to a close with some funk-slapping and a Bartok pizzicato. Not as difficult to play as its sounds, but still a real beast taken at the marked tempo.